Source: Thingiverse, Flowalistik
Now it had to come to this: Disney had a handful of 3D models explicitly related to Star Wars removed from Thingiverse.
Over 1200 search results
Source: Thingiverse
If you enter the search term “Star Wars” into the Thingiverse platform you will get over 1200 search results and you will discover the most diverse characters of the worldwide popular Space Opera: tons of Darth Vader figures, Yoda heads or Luke Skywalker light sabres and again remixes of these models. -A huge fan community that now received, mind you, on a small scale, a Disney copyright lesson.
Example Flowalistics
Flowalistik is one of the makers known in the community, whom it met. But according to an interview All3DP did with him in this regard, this is not surprising and also not offensive. He understands that Disney is exercising its right and is more pleased about the fact that digital manufacturing has now become so important that it is perceived by monopolies like Disney. His currently quite clear “Space Toy” models, which you can also see on the photos of the article, were interestingly not removed…
Source: Thingiverse, Flowalistik
Good to know
According to Michael Weinberg, an IP copyright expert also interviewed by All3DP, Thingiverse takes the role of mediator but does not take responsibility for the models the makers upload.
In the event of copyright infringements, the author can inform the platform of the infringement, the model in question will be removed and the maker who has discontinued the model can give in to it or, if the maker is of the opinion that he has not violated copyright laws, comment against it. In the latter case the author is informed about the maker’s statement, Thingiverse waits up to 14 days and if then nothing should come back, the model is released again.
Source: Thingiverse, All3DP, Flowalistik