3D-printer data sheet

Vertex Nano K8600

3d-drucker velleman vertex k8600

The Vertex Nano K8600 from Velleman is a compact and affordable open source desktop 3D printer of the third generation.

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Model: Vertex Nano K8600
Manufacturer: Velleman
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 275$
Release: 12/2016
DIY Kit: Yes

Size: 23 x 15 x 18,3 cm
Weight: 2.3 kg
Printing Volume: 8 x 8 x 7,5 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PLA, ABS

Software: Repetier, CuraEngine, Slic3r (RepRap compatible)

Special features: Standalone Printing
Target group: Pros

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Customer Rating:

VELLEMAN - K8600 Kits Vertex Nano 3D-Drucker-Bausatz 840640
  • Drucktechnologie: Schmelzschichtung-Verfahren (Fused filament fabrication, FFF)
  • Chichtauflösung: standardmäßig: 0.1 mm (max.: 0.2 mm - min.: 0.05 mm)
  • Druckgeschwindigkeit: 40 mm/s

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