3D-printer data sheet

Stratasys Objet30

3d-drucker stratasys objet30

The Stratasys Objet30 is a compact 3D printer that can print with five different materials. It is particularly suitable for the production of consumer goods prototypes in the tightest of spaces and on a limited budget.

Model: Stratasys Objet30
Manufacturer: Stratasys
Technology: Material Jetting (Multi Jet Fusion, HSS)
Price: approx. 18.800$
Release: 10/2016
DIY Kit: No

Size: 82,5 x 62 x 59 cm
Weight: 106 kg
Printing Volume: 29,4 x 19,2 x 14,8 cm
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: VeroWhitePlus, VeroBlue, VeroBlack, VeroGray, DurusWhite

Software: Objet Studio
Filetypes: STL, SLC
Operating systems: Windows

Special features: Also available as Pro and Prime version

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