3D-printer data sheet

Sinterit Lisa

3d-drucker sinterit lisa 1

Sinterit’s Lisa 1 Plug & Play SLS printer with built-in camera produces precise objects using selective laser sintering. Several parts can be printed simultaneously without the need for support structures.

Model: Sinterit Lisa
Manufacturer: Sinterit
Technology: Selektives Lasersintern (SLS)
Price: approx. 4.989$
Release: 11/2015
DIY Kit: No

Size: 69 x 50 x 88 cm
Weight: 9 kg
Printing Volume: 9 x 11 x 13 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PA, Flexa

Software: Sinterit Studio 2016
Filetypes: STL, OBJ, 3DS, FBX

Special features: Winner of the Formnext Startup Challenge, 2015 Best New Polish 3D Printer, FabCon 3.D Start-up Award 2016

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