The Felix Pro 1 from the Dutch manufacturer FELIXprinters was developed in 2015.
Model: Felix Pro 1
Manufacturer: FELIXprinters
Technology: FFF
Price: approx. 2.559$
Release: 05/2015
DIY Kit: No
Size: 40 x 42 x 55 cm
Weight: 11.5 kg
Printing Volume: 24 x 24,5 x 23,5 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PLA, ABS, LAYWOOD, LAYBRICK, Nylon, Flexible, etc.
Software: FELIXbuilder, Repetier Host
Filetypes: STL, G-Code
Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux
Special features: System bereitet 3D-Druck vor, überwacht und passt diesen an
Manufacturer: FELIXprinters
Technology: FFF
Price: approx. 2.559$
Release: 05/2015
DIY Kit: No
Size: 40 x 42 x 55 cm
Weight: 11.5 kg
Printing Volume: 24 x 24,5 x 23,5 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PLA, ABS, LAYWOOD, LAYBRICK, Nylon, Flexible, etc.
Software: FELIXbuilder, Repetier Host
Filetypes: STL, G-Code
Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux
Special features: System bereitet 3D-Druck vor, überwacht und passt diesen an