3D-printer data sheet

da Vinci 1.0 Pro

3d-drucker xyzprinting da vinci 1.0 pro

The da Vinci 1.0 Pro from XYZprinting has variable temperature settings for the extruder nozzle and the automatically loading filament system ensures that the filament is fed properly.

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Model: da Vinci 1.0 Pro
Manufacturer: XYZprinting
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 799$
Release: 11/2015
DIY Kit: No

Size: 51 x 55,8 x 46,8 cm
Weight: 26 kg
Printing Volume: 20 x 20 x 20 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: ABS, PLA

Software: XYZware Pro
Filetypes: .stl , XYZ Format (.3w)
Operating systems: Windows, Mac

Special features: Wifi, ideal for maker spaces

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Customer Rating:

XYZ Printing da Vinci 1.0 Pro 3D-Drucker, Offenes Filament System, Erweiterbar mit Laser-Gravierer,...
  • Vollständig montierter 3D-Drucker. Inklusive 300g PLA ABS Filament (im Wert von 15,-€) und...
  • Features: Open Filament, optionale Lasergravur Add-on, kabelloses Drucken, Unterstützung G-Code-Druck;...
  • Materialkompatibilität: PLA / ABS / Tough PLA / PETG / HIPS / Holz; AUTO Kalibrierung; Konnektivität:...

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