3D-printer data sheet

CreatBot DE Plus

3d-drucker creatbot de plus

The DE Plus from CreatBot has a large installation space (40 x 30 x 52 cm) and a dual extruder that can be upgraded to a triple extruder and heated up to 400°C. With the filament detection function, the unit pauses when the print material runs out; when the print job is finished, the DE Plus switches off automatically.

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Model: CreatBot DE Plus
Manufacturer: CreatBot
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 3.300$
Release: 08/2017
DIY Kit: No

Size: 59 x 43 x 78 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Printing Volume: 40 x 30 x 52 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: Yes
Filaments: PLA, ABS, Carbon Fiber, Wood, Nylon, PC, PTEG, HIPS, PP, Flexible, TPU, PVA, etc.

Software: CreatWare
Filetypes: STL, OBJ, AMF; GCO, GCODE
Operating systems: Windows, Mac

Special features: großer Bauraum, optionaler Triple Extruder, 400°C Hotend

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